RUEA will provide free consulting services to tackle COVID-19 and post-war challenges

RUEA will provide free consulting services to tackle COVID-19 and post-war challenges

Considering the COVID-19 and post-war challenges for businesses, the Republican Union of Employers of Armenia (RUEA) will conduct FREE consultations for its members and partners in the following 6 areas:

  1. Business consulting,
  2. Tax legislation & accounting,
  3. Legal consulting,
  4. International ISO standards, implementation & certification,
  5. Processing of agricultural products, including production of green fodder and green fuel from waste.
  6. Design and engineering solutions, modernization of production equipment.

WHERE: The consultations will be conducted ONLINE via the Zoom platform.


TOPICS. To maximize the efficiency of consultations and to provide relevant solutions to your business, please submit your questions in advance, to which you would like to receive consultation for. Topics will be finalized based on the questions submitted.


PARTICIPATION. Participation is not limited; you can participate in all 6 consultations areas. To participate, please fill the attached form and send it to Lusine Manukyan at by 5 December 2021.


WHEN. The consultation will be conducted in the period of December 2021 – February 2022. The precise dates will be announced additionally once we have collected questions from the participants.



If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:

Phone: 010 527 421
