Meeting with ILO International Partners within the Framework of a New Initiative Aimed at Formalization of the RA Economy

Meeting with ILO International Partners within the Framework of a New Initiative Aimed at Formalization of the RA Economy

On October 17, Maria Khakhamyan, Vice-President of the Republican Union of Employers of Armenia (RUEA), and Chief Executive Officer, Lilit Adamyan hosted Kazutoshi Chatani, Senior Employment Specialist of the International Labour Organization (ILO), Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Anna-Karin Palm Olsson, Technical Specialist Labour Market Services at the ILO, and Michael Liu-Kye Song, Specialist in Employment-Intensive Investment. Nune Hovhannisyan, ILO National Coordinator, and Sevak Alekyan, ILO Consultant were also present at the meeting.

The purpose of the visit of the ILO international experts was to discuss with Armenian partners the role of the RUEA in the capacity building of specialists from the Unified Social Service Agency of the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and their involvement in public works, as well as the potential support the ILO could provide in this process.

The project is being implemented within the framework of the ILO's new initiative aimed at formalization of Armenia's economy and labour market, which focuses on developing tripartite social dialogue between the RA Government, workers, and employers' organizations.

During the meeting, a range of important issues were discussed, including the capacity building and certification process for employment advisors, strengthening the labor market-employer link, targeting public employment programs, revising criteria for socially vulnerable groups, promoting employment, and reducing unemployment.

The guests expressed their gratitude to the executive staff members of the RUEA for the meaningful and constructive discussion, emphasizing that meetings in this format will be ongoing, providing an opportunity to jointly implement labour market reforms in a systematic and harmonious way.

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