RUEA's 16th Anniversary Celebration and 6th Assembly

RUEA's 16th Anniversary Celebration and 6th Assembly

On 29 March 2024, RUEA's 16th Anniversary Celebration and the 6th RUEA Assembly took place. During the event, the RUEA President Mr. Gagik Makaryan summarized the 16 years of RUEA activities and main achievements, presented the report for the last 3 years of 2021-2024 in line with the 41 directions of RUEA activities, current challenges and opportunities for future development.

About 140 delegates from RUEA sectorial and regional unions, and direct members attended the event, as well as representatives of state bodies, international organizations, NGOs and other RUEA partners.

Representatives of partner state bodies, the national coordinator of the International Labor Organization, RUEA Board members, heads of educational institutions, employers and economists gave speeches during the event. Assessments and valuations were made by the partners in regard to the important role and wide range of RUEA activities as an organization that advocates the interests of the business community and raises socio-economic issues, providing recommendations for problem solutions and revealing development opportunities.


Today RUEA has 14,012 members, unites 32 regional and sectoral unions, cooperates with foreign employers' associations of 25 countries. About 22% of the active enterprises operating in Armenia are RUEA members, and about 40% of the total employees in the private sector work under RUEA members.

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