Business Cooperation

For the development of business cooperation, RUEA organizes B2B events and promotes business cooperation between RUEA members and non-members. RUEA supports its members to participate in various business forums, exhibitions and group visits both in Armenia and abroad.

Having a wide international cooperation network, RUEA has been cooperating with the International Organization of Employers (IOE) and with employers’ associations abroad since 2008 (incl. Germany, France, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Denmark, Turkey, Iran, Italy, Greece, USA). Since 2013, RUEA has been cooperating with the International Coordinating Council of Employers' Unions (ICCEU), whose members are 15 employers’ associations from European and CIS countries.

RUEA has signed about 45 memoranda of understanding and cooperation agreements with employers’ associations, chambers of commerce, and individual business holdings of different countries. In 2017, within the framework of the ICCEU, RUEA hosted the leaders of employers’ associations from 8 countries.

Currently, RUEA is strengthening its partnership with several European countries: Bulgaria, Lithuania and France, as well as EAEU countries and Iran.